May 24, 2021
Dear Church Family,
I want to begin by giving praise to our Lord for His provision and protection during these last 15 months. In March 2020 I made a recommendation I would never had anticipated making in my ministry career when I recommended to our Church Council that we immediately stop all public worship services. The Worship (Music & Audio/Visual) Team faithfully ministered for three months until we resumed public worship in May of 2020. We have operated under a modified schedule and seating since that date. Our Church Council has accepted my recommendation that we make a phased return to normal schedule and seating over the next two months. Here are our plans:
- June 6
- Remove all seating restrictions in the Sanctuary allowing seating in all pews.
- Continue to have two morning services at 8:30am and 11:00am
- July 4
- Return to one morning worship service at 9:00am followed by Sunday School at 10:30am
- Resume passing the offering plate during the service to collect tithes and offerings
We made this decision based upon the latest recommendations from public health officials. We will continue to offer disposable masks and hand sanitizers at all entrances.
Thank you for your prayers and faithfulness throughout these challenging months. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any of our church leaders.
In His Service,
Pastor Kenneth Summey
Chris Elliott, Chairman of Deacons
Jeff Kelly, Chairman of Administrative Committee
Steve Botts, Chairman of Purpose Directors