On January 10, 2016, Lascassas Baptist Church voted to contract with Cosco, based in Crestview, Florida, to complete a Master Plan for our current land, facilities, and the 18 acres of land purchased by the church at the corner of Barlow Lane and Lascassas Pike in 2012.
The Members of the Team are:
JR Eastman, Chairman
Garry Lewis, Vice-Chairman
Gordon Carlisle, Prayer Coordiantor
Bo Davis
Larry Fisher
Todd Summar
Tracy Summar
Kaye Hendrix
Dawn Meadors
This page will be used to provide regular updates as we move through this process. If you have sugestions or items you would like to be considered by the Master Plan Team, you can reach the team at masterplan@lbcfamily.net
May 2020
The driveway water line was replaced and the driveway has been paved as of May 20. There is currently an issue with water underneath the parking lot binder coat that is being investigated before final paving can occur.
January 2020
After a delay of many months due to issues with the water line along Barlow Lane, work will begin again the week of March 8. The driveway and parking lot should be completed within a few weeks. Following that the landscape plan will be filled. Plans are in progress for the construction of the pavilion soon after these are completed.
July 2019
Unfortunately we experienced several delays related to location of water lines. Those issues have been resolved and work has restarted. Currently the paving is in progress. We hope that all site work will be done by the end of July. A pavilion with restrooms will be constructed once the parking lot is completed.
April 2019
ASW began work on the Barlow Lane property this month. We anticipate that the site work (Parking lot, Detention Pond, General grading) will be completed in May. We will begin work on the Pavilion shortly after site work is completed. We anticipate our first event on the new property will be our Community Picnic on July 10.
February 2019
The OJHG Followup team reported that we have now received $644,087. The Administrative Committee recommended a funding formula at a called Business Meeting on February 24. The church approved this formula. The Administrative Committee has signed a contract with Amercian Site Works for the Site Work of Phase One. Construction will begin in March. We anticipate completion by this Summer.
November 18, 2018
The OJHG Followup team reported that we have now received $542,621. We traveled as a congregation across the road to the Barlow Lane property on October 21 to break ground on Phase One of our Master Plan. What an exciting time to see this next step in the completion of Phase One. We have received the stamped drawing for the pavilion from the architect. Our Master Plan Team has been working to secure bids for the approved plans for the detention pond and parking lot. They have received two bids thus far which are being reviewed by the team. They anticipate making a recommendation to the Administrative Committee at their December meeting. We hope to see construction begin in early 2019.
August 19, 2018
The OJHG Followup reported that we have now received $510,589. The modified site plan for the Barlow Lane property, that includes 100+ parking spaces, a covered pavilion with bathrooms and storage space, a detention pond, and drain fields for future septic, was approved by the Rutherford County Planning Commission in July. Our Master Plan Team has employed an architect to draw the plans for the pavilion. They have also reached out to three construction companies for bids for completion of the site plan. We hope to have these back by the end of the month. Current projections include a Ground Breaking ceremony and beginning of construction on the Barlow Lane property in the month of October.
May 6, 2018
The Church approved by an 87% affirmative vote Phase One of the Master Plan. This Phase will consist of approximately 100 parking spaces, the construction of a pavilion with bathrooms, septic line, and detention pond on the Barlow Lane property. Construction is projected to begin this Fall.
March 11, 2018
There will be a special Called Business Meeting on Sunday, April 22, 9:00a.m. to hear a presentation and recommendation from the Master Plan and Administrative Teams concerning next steps in completion of Phase One of the Master Plan. The vote on their recommendation will take place on April 29. Results of the vote will be announced on May 6.
February 11, 2018
The OJHG Follow-Up Team shared the following fifth quarter total with the church 120 Pledges have been received (no increase from last quarter) totaling $925,737.70; 161 families (an increase of 8 families over last quarter) have given a total of $431,835.00 (an increase of $93,855.10 over last quarter). The Master Plan Team is working with the Administrative Committee to formulate a financial plan based on current estimates, OJHG pledges/receipts. They anticipate bringing a recommendation to the church in April concerning this next step.
January 22, 2018
We received approval from the Rutherford County Planning Commission for our architectural plans.
December 6, 2017
We received approval from the Rutherford County Zoning Variance Board for the Variances requested. We will be on the agenda of the Rutherford County Planning Commission in January for final approval of the architectural plans for Phase One of our Master Plan.
November 19, 2017
The "Our Jerusalem...His Glory" Follow-Up team shared the following fourth quarter totals with the church 120 Pledges have been received (no increase from last quarter) totaling $925,737.70; 153 families (an increase of 4 families over last quarter) have given a total of $337,979.90(an increase of $49,374.83 over last quarter) . The Master Plan Team shared that Cosco has completed the detailed design of Phase One of the Master Plan. We will be on the agenda of the Rutherford County Variance Board in December and the Rutherford County Planning Commission in January. Based upon these anticipated approvals, the project should be put out for bid in the first quarter of 2018.
August 20, 2017
The "Our Jerusalem...His Glory" Follow-Up team shared the following third quarter totals with the church 120 Pledges have been received (no increase from last quarter) totaling $925,737.70; 149 families (an increase of 26 families over last quarter) have given a totoal of $288,605.07 (an increase of $67,591.28 over last quarter) . The Master Plan Team shared that Cosco has completed 60% of the detailed design phase of Phase One of the Master Plan. They will have 90% completed by the end of August. The projected completion date of this phase is September of 2017.
May 10, 2017
The "Our Jerusalem...His Glory" Follow-Up team shared the following second quarter totals with the church: 120 Pledges have been received (an increase of 6 over last quarter); totaling $925,737.70 (an increase of $16,800 over last quarter). 123 families (an increase of 10 families over last quarter) have given a totoal of $221, 013.79 (an increase of $47,559.91 over last quarter) . The Master Plan Team shared that Cosco continues the detailed design phase of Phase One of the Master Plan. The projected completion date of this phase is September of 2017.
April 24, 2017
We have reached a giving milestone of over $200,000 in total receipts for "Our Jerusalem...His Glory" with receipts of $213,522 as of April 23. The next quarterly updates will be given on May 10 at our Quarterly Business Meeting and May 14 in our Morning Worship Service.
February 22, 2017
The "Our Jerusalem...His Glory" Follow-Up team shared the following first quarter totals with the church: 114 Pledges have ben received, totaling $908, 937.70. 113 families have given a totoal of $175,513.88. The Master Plan Team shared that Cosco has begun the detailed design phase of Phase One of the Master Plan. The projected completion date of this phase is September of 2017.
December 26, 2016
Through December 25, we have received over $138,000 for "Our Jerusalem...His Glory"! Master Plan Team will meet with Cosco in January 2017 to determine what portion of Phase One of the Master Plan can be accomplished based upon the pledges received.
November 20, 2016
Celebration Sunday of the Campaign Campaign resulted in 110+ Committments; $902,000+ Pledged; $47,000+ First Fruits Offering! Praise the Lord for all of His blessings.
November 1, 2016
Master Plan Team met with Cosco and several engineers to begin detailed design phase of the identified phase one of Mater Plan. We have executed our first contract with a Civil Engineer to immediately begin consultation and design of septic system. We anticipate a mid December meeting with Cosco to continue design.
October 9, 2016
We will begin the public phase of our Capital Stewardship Campaign - "Our Jerusalem...His Glory" with a Vision Gathering on this date in our morning Worship Service. We will hold a prayer walk following Sunday School on this day.
September 11, 2016
A Special Called Business Meeting was held on Sunday, September 11, 6pm, to hear the latest from our Master Plan Team. The church affirmed the current direction and Phase One as now identified.
August 17, 2016
Master Plan Team will share a major update during the scheduled Church Business Meeting. The Capital Stewardship Team will share their first update with the Church on our Capital Campaign - "Our Jerusalem...His Glory"
August 1, 2016
Capital Stewardship Team, led by Bo Davis, met with Impact Stewardship for initial training for leaders. Leaders on this team are: James Brewer (Events & Education Leader), Dulan Willis (Gift Development Leader), Ryan Taylor (Media & Promotion Leader), Michelle Eastman (Program Manager). The Theme for our Capital Campaign is "Our Jerusalem.,.His Glory..Psalm 26:8" The Capital Campaign will begin Sunday, October 9, and continue for four weeks. Commitment Sunday will be November 6. Celebration Sunday will be November 20.
July 12, 2016
The Team will met with Cosco to review the results from the land survey. Based upon results of survey and input from Team, Cosco will now refine the proposed Phase One of the Master Plan.
June 12, 2016
A special called Businees meeting was held for theTeam to present their choice for the Capital Stewardship Campaign and request funding for this campaign. The church approved the funding and selection of Impact Stewardship for our Capital campaign.
May 19 & 25, 2016
Team is interviewing three Capital Stewardship companies. We hope to make a decision on which company to use by first of June.
May 16, 2016
Team has executed a contract for survey of property at 4750 E Jefferson Pike and the 18 acres at Barlow Lane and Lascassas Pike. The survey should be complete within six weeks.
April 21, 2016
Cosco will meet with the Team to discuss Church Growth and Capital Stewardship.
April 10, 2016
The Master Team met to discuss key verses and purpose statement fot the team. They chose two key verses to guide their work:
Proverbs 24:27--"Finish your outdoor work, and get the fields ready; after that, build your house." Plan your work before beginning your project. It is so very important to make sure that we plan our moves as well as communicate the plan to the church.
Ephesians 4:24--"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto hearers." Communicate positively with each other, and communicate positive info to the church body.
March 15, 2016
Cosco met with the Master Planning Team to present their First Impressions Analysis. This Analysis will help LBC to evaluate our current facility and ministries in the areas of Parking. Greeting, Preschool/Children, Welcome, Worship, Preaching, Tithes & Offerings, Altar Call & Closing. Cosco also shared initial thoughts with the Team on possible soultions to our current needs.
March 15, 2016
The Master Team met and selected the following to lead the team: JR Eastman, Chairman; Garry Lewis, Vice-Chairman; Gordon Carlisle, Prayer Coordiantor.
February 7, 2016
Cosco was on site for Worship and Sunday School. They met with a total of 6 Ministry Teams over Sunday afternoon and Monday night to hear the current and future Ministry needs of LBC.